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5 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi

Video reflection 1

                          VİDEO REFLECTİON (Studying abroad)
           In this video, three interviews are made with some international students who are studying in USA. All of these students are from different parts of world, and from different cultures, too. We see what being an international student looks like to thanks to these interviews. There are different topics in this issue and students speak about them. They firstly make comment on the benefits of being a student in USA. One of these benefits is practising according to them. While they cannot find any opportunity to speak in English in their hometowns, they can do practice freely in their new schools or in USA. The educational system is also another opportunity for them, because, thanks to it, they can study in more creative fields in contrast to their old schools’ education system. These students, who came to USA because of their relatives’ demand or with an advice, can study in a team work here, also. This educational system and the reason of their coming were second topic in the video. And the third topic is the differences they run into between their hometowns and USA. According to them, the educational system is freer than their hometowns’, because in their countries, studying at a different major beside your own or changing it after you chose it, is so much difficult. So, it is more comfortable to study in USA. That was a difference stemming from educational system, but there were also differences they see in daily life. For example, drying the clothes in a machine instead of hanging them up or speaking to people directly not indirectly were things they didn’t adjust to. After they mentioned from these topics, they make comment fourthly about the expenses they spent for their education here. They say that it changes according to in which field you study, but it doesn’t cost so much. Even if it costs so, they have to pay it for their education. Moreover while they are living these things they of course faced with some culture shock, but when all the differences between them and this new culture, this wasn’t something which is unusual. They are the results of anxiety, fear or disorientation so these weren’t unusual.
        All in all, if i were in the shoes of them, i would also want to stay in USA and improve myself in my field. Maybe, this has some difficulties, but i think it can worth to try. So, even if a person doesn’t go to there for a reason like education, he or she can go even in order to improve their speaking abilities. I’m sure it is a big beneficial facilitator at this issue.

                                                                                                              Burcu KARADUMAN 

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 EXERCİSE 1      
    Our beagle likes hunting very much. Whenever the back door is opened for her, she steps into garden immediately as if she is racing. She runs from one place to another among grass with a great joy. Apart from these; while running so, she also moves about this area in the hope of discovering smells of some animals such as rabbit’s, cat’s and other creatures’ smells which are undetectable for human. At the same she smells them, she twirls her tail first to the right and then to the left. Maybe, these two activities make her move forward like a push.

    Not known very much, The Government Printing Office which is in Washington offers a great deal of beneficial information. It publishes officially for the federal government. So, it publishes booklets and books on a great number of issues such as the dangers of X-rays scattering from home TV sets and the identification of mushrooms. It makes approximately 27,000 publications with the permission of Administer of Documents, and while these publications are not so much expensive, some of them are not even charged.

     A German immigrant, named as John Jacob Astor, was the first man who made America’s fortune. Being an illiterate and coming from a low social class, Astor got his first money by commercing furs of Indians. He made all of his business with an accent which reminds low social classes of Hamburg, because he didn’t learn how to speak English in a good way, ironically.